Monday, July 20, 2009


"We are here to co-create with God by extending love. Life spent with any other purpose in mind is meaningless, contrary to our nature, and ultimately painful." (A Return to Love)

The road to "becoming" a Goddess is long and I believe wide - encomposing a wide variety of activities and personalities. I begin today. Seeking my becoming.

I believe a Goddess has cultivated strength, elegance and propriety.

I hold in my hand a rose quartz, which has been preceived as an important fertility stone in many centuries and as I turn it over in my hand, my thoughts are on my desire to learn how to become a "Lady". My journey begins....

Stimulates circulation, and has a refreshing effect.
Strengthens friendships, and opens the mind to beautiful things.
Symbolizes love.

Brigid is one of the most important and valuable goddesses in Irish mythology.
She is the goddess of fire, poetry, wisdom, fertility, agricullture, livestock, blacksmithing, crafts (:), and all the arts of the household.